Thursday, February 2, 2012

I could NOT make this $?!& up. [Thursday Think Tank February 2, 2012]

Well...ready for the latest and greatest MRL drama?

It all started when Miss V woke up Sunday morning unable to breathe.  She was wheezing and had a blue tinge to her face.  Great start for any parent's morning right?  So after speaking with her Pediatrician (Who didn't response to our emergency call at first, I had to call the answering service 2x before I got a call back from a Doctor an hour after I originally called.  Roll eyes.) we wrapped her up and were off to the emergency room.  This is where we found out she had pneumonia.  Awesome.

Fast forward to Discharge from ER.  Followed by the most horrific night of my life as she barely breathed her way through the night.  To the next day where she was admitted to the Pediatric Ward of the Hospital.

Pretty awful right?

Just wait.

As Miss V slowly recuperated in the pediatric wing, with all sorts of awful tubes sticking out of her and the most awful pallor to her face that it made my eyes tear each time I looked at her,  Miss E began showing the same symptoms as her sister.  Yes, seriously.  Didn't you read the title of this post?  Yet again I found myself at the ER.  By this time I was a natural and I was answering their admission questions before they were asked.

Luckily Miss E does not have pneumonia and is a victim of possibly the same virus that may have led to Miss V's pneumonia.  Miss V was discharged yesterday and is back home.  So now both girls are home, highly medicated, slightly whiny, periodically feverish but wreaking havoc as always.

It has been a long week.  But, amidst all this drama I have to thank my amazing in-laws for their patience and help as they extended their stay from last weekend to help us out with all of this sick nonsense.  And, to my mother, who is a diligent telecommuting employee by day in my sewing room and an all hands on deck grandmother during those early morning hours and bedtime.

On that note I would like to share a preview with you of the Girl Baby Quilt Design I am contemplating...  Hopefully I will have a final version of this oversized Log Cabin soon!

And I'd like you to all visit Lucy's Blog to support her Fugly Fabric Party starting February 7th!

Charm About You

AND I wanted to give you the heads up that in celebration of Drama Free 2012 Miss Kelli and I are going to be hosting a giveaway of Anna Hooey's Little Apples Layer Cake!!!  I don't know about your lives but it has been hard keeping the drama out of mine, I think a giveaway is in order.  So stay tuned...


Alright, that's all I've got for this TTT.  Honestly I am just trying to catch up on my sleep after the last few days.  So why don't you tell me what you've been up to?  Don't forget to link up below...

- rebecca lynne


Jodi Godfrey said...

Oh No! You poor things! We've had a billion visitors, but little drama. Just the tired slog of all talked out and want to hide away for a few days. :)
I love your 'cut drama' button so much, I'm going to put it on my blog. :)
Sending get well and rest well vibes to your house. My Tully has bad asthma and the post emergency recovery is always a killer. xx

Marian-Lady Face said...

Oh what a week you have had! What a scary experience to go through. Glad to hear things are on the mend, and will send prayers your way that they continue to get better, and that you can get some sleep! Hope the weekend is a more calming few days for you all!

Kelli Fannin Quilts said...

Wow, our brief exchanged emails did not begin to paint the whole picture. How scary--so glad she was admitted to get the treatment she needed and glad she is at home now recuperating! I hope they both make a full recovery VERY soon! Parents and inlaws that drop whatever they have going to lend a helping hand are just the greatest! I love your girl quilt design and can't wait to see it. xo

Annabella said...

Oh Rebecca, you really are going through it this year. My heart was in my mouth as I was reading your post and so relieved that the girls are on the mend. Sending hugs to you all. x p.s love the log cabin!

Janine @ Rainbow Hare said...

What a nightmare! The poor misses. It's just horrible when little children are ill. I'm so glad they are getting better. Hoping you're managing to get some rest now. Love the log cabin, btw x

Snoodles said...

Oh that is scary - so glad that they are improving, tho. Hope that they recuperate quickly and are back to their little selves soon. Get some rest while they nap, mommy, and take good care of yourself, OK? :)

Lucy | Charm About You said...

I'm so glad the girls are ok! Total nightmare. I really hope you got a good sleep. Huge hugs to you all!
The log cabin looks amazing, think it will be beautiful :)

Lucy | Charm About You said...

oopps and I'm TOTALLY grabbing a button too!! Such a great idea :)

needle and nest said...

Oh dear, your poor little girls! I hope everyone is feeling better soon!

Archie The Wonder Dog said...

I'm so glad that both girls are home and on the mend - what an awful week for all of you, I hope they get completely better soon. Please try to get some rest when you can xx

Archie The Wonder Dog said...

Sorry, I forgot to tell you how much I love your log cabin design!

Sandy said...

Your poor babies! I am glad they are recovering now. It makes for a looonnnngggg week for all of you.

Catherine said...

oh no, how horrible for you. I hope they are both on the mend and have a speedy recovery and that you can all chill out over the weekend

Katie said...

Oh no! I'm so happy your girls are on the mend. I cannot imagine the stress of all that! Maybe wishing for lots of drama will bring none? My life seems to work out like that at times.

Take care.

Erin @ Billy Button Design said...

My goodness, how you have had any time to even get any sewing done!!! You need to just put your feet up too...don't forget!
Glad to hear the girls are back on the mend.