Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Fresh Sewing Day

Lily's Quilts

I know every time Fresh Sewing Day comes around we all think "wow, I don't think I did much of anything this month..." and then we are happy when we realize that we actually have...

Okay.  October was NOT that kind of month for me.  I really got zilch done in the sewing department.

However, in the midst of buying a new house, packing, preparing for four swaps, gearing up for three blog hops and surviving a hurricane I have managed...
to finish Miss Es Rainbow Quilt top
Low Volume Swap Charms
to cut 14 yards of fabric into charms
create Damien Donkey who is beloved by Miss L
Oh Christmas Tree
and finish two holiday pillow covers which will be featured in an MRL post coming to you soon...

In case you were wondering.


However, I'll rest when I die!

How was your sewing this October?

- rebecca lynne

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Surviving the Storm

We are getting a ton of rain here in Western New York.  The schools in the area are closed.  Of course the  inconvenience of entertaining small children in the midst of packing and moving are nothing compared to the situation facing my closest friends in the New York City area.  
Damn.  I do not envy you NYC...not at all...

In the meantime I contemplate wall colors for the new house.  My inspiration?  My favorite painting genre of all time...Dutch Still Life.  <-- Ha you weren't expecting that were you!

Stay dry.  

New House Pics coming SOON!

- rebecca lynne

Friday, October 26, 2012


Things are still, uh, in flux around here.  Moving, shuffling around, discovering things I forgot we even owned.  Bizarre!  Plus, on top of all this trying to keep my cool as we deal with lawyers, real estate agents, settlement companies and banks.  

Sew Seasonal Blog Hop

Instead of dwelling on that I am trying to focus on my favorite time of year which is right around the corner - Christmas Time!!!  I have some things in the works and in in a few weeks I'll be participating in the Sew Seasonal Blog Hop.  Whew hew!

Don't forget to check out what goodies I've been creating for our Christmas Decor by checking back on November 5th.  

Falalalallaaaa la la la laaaa!

- rebecca lynne

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Does that make me crazy? [Thursday Think Tank]

Thursday Think Tank
What am I think tanking these days? in the H to get all the crap I need done DONE!  But, you know, it'll happen eventually.  ;)  Believe it or not amongst all of the packing and mortgage stuff I have actually done some sewing.  What?  Yup...coming soon to a blog near you...
Low Volume Swap
And speaking of things that will eventually be done...the Low Volume Swap is coming to a close.  Just waiting on a few packages and then I will hopefully be double and triple checking the piles of 5" charms before sending them off to their new homes.
Which brings me to my next crazy idea...  ahem... 
A few people have asked if I am going to do another LV Swap.  I've been thinking about it.  
[Shhh, stop whispering, I know I am a crazy I don't need to hear it!]
This time I am thinking that I'd like to tailor the swap by making it a 10" Square swap for Modern Designer Low Volume Fabrics.  Essentially it would entail 32 slots - each slot will require 2.33yds of fabric to create 32 10" squares.
Thoughts?  Interested?  Leave me a comment below!
And, don't forget that next week starts the Thursday Think Tank Holiday Blog Hop!  More details this weekend...

- rebecca lynne

  1. Link up any post from the past week that features some creative thinking going on in your creative world.   It can be anything, quilting, home improvement, fashion, crafting, DIY gifts, cooking...whatever you have recently thought "hmmm, you know what I should create" is perfectly appropriate for the Think Tank.  TTT is all about whatever you are currently brainstorming and would like feedback or encouragement on!
  2. Somewhere in your post, link back here to my blog. (Or grab the T.T.T. button for your sidebar.)
  3. Comment on at least a few of the other links—because what fun is a linky party without comments?

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Boot Packing

Pack pack pack

In the process of clearing my closet I uncovered my cowboy boots.  
Four pairs of cowboy boots to be exact. I should take a photo of them, my little boot family.

Anyway, the Frye box appeared perfect for folded fabric...and look it is!  Just wanted to share...

Off to continue packing!

- rebecca lynne

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Holiday Countdown! [Thursday Think Tank]

Starting November 1, 2012!  The Thursday Think Tank Holiday Blog Hop!  
The Blog Hop will feature some amazing bloggers from around the world who will be showcasing some DIY Holiday ideas. Each blogger will have a different holiday topic and will host the Thursday Think Tank linky party for that week.  Eight weeks of holiday blogging diy fun!

And speaking of the holidays...

All I want for Christmas is the New ECHINO! 

 This print is giving me some good decor ideas.  How cool would a wall with framed vintage sketches of animals be?  Um, yeah!

- rebecca lynne

  1. Link up any post from the past week that features some creative thinking going on in your creative world.   It can be anything, quilting, home improvement, fashion, crafting, DIY gifts, cooking...whatever you have recently thought "hmmm, you know what I should create" is perfectly appropriate for the Think Tank.  TTT is all about whatever you are currently brainstorming and would like feedback or encouragement on!
  2. Somewhere in your post, link back here to my blog. (Or grab the T.T.T. button for your sidebar.)
  3. Comment on at least a few of the other links—because what fun is a linky party without comments?

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

WIP (now let's get serious tally)

The time has come.  I must pack my sewing room.  AGH!  We are intending to do the actual move into the new house in Mid-November, but with three little ones I am trying to do as much packing ahead of time as possible.  And, unfortunately, the sewing room is one of the rooms I can pack up now without disrupting the girlies' lives.  But, before I begin I need to do some serious planning.  There are some projects in the works that warrant keeping Nina and my cutting board out of the packed pile a little longer...

WIPs Before Moving

Low Volume Swap
Low Volume Swap
We are close to being done!  Almost everyone has sent in their charms.  I can't wait to get all this gorgeousness to their new owners.

Rainbow Quilt Top
Rainbow Quilt
Backing and binding received.  Just need to sandwich this puppy and quilt!

Almost Solid Neutrals Swap
Big 10 Swap (Almost Solid Neutrals & Text)
Cut and need to be mailed.

Travellin' Pic Blog Hop - November 23th
Picked my photo!  And my EPP pattern...I just need to pick out my fabric.  Whew hew!

Hosting TGIFF - November 30

New Nephew Quilt! (sneaking suspicion that if this is gonna be done right it will end up below...)
Fabric - check
Design - check
Started? - uuuuuuhhhhh

Long Term WIPs (i.e. Before Christmas!)

Zig Zag Flannel Quilt x3!
5 Year Anniversary Quilt (Curious Nature)
Nephew/Niece Gifts
Gift for my Mommy
Gift for my 2nd Mom (MIL)
Gifts for some special friends ;)

Whew nice to see this list in black and white.  Scary but inspiring!  I better get on it...and in the meantime I will start packing the stash I don't need for awhile.  Ooooh imagine how fun it will be when I unpack it and it'll be like finding something new all over again!!!

- rebecca lynne

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Progress of sorts




For those of you more experienced and wiser who have survived this period of your children's lives...does this vicious cycle of germs ever end?

In other news:

The packing has begun.  Dum dum duuuuuuum.

- rebecca lynne

Monday, October 15, 2012

Hee Haw...we have a winner!

Remember this cutie patootie?  Reuben the Donkey softie pattern by Ric Rac?  

Well, we need to pick a winner so that some lovely Donktober Participant can make their own softie!

Drum roll please....

NUMBER 6!!!  The win goes to Gill!  Congratulations Gill!  And what makes it even cooler is that she won with a fabulous donkey fact!

If you haven't already you best get a move on and check out Donktober going on over at Missy Mac Creations.  Don't forget she is hosting a Donktober Linky Party between November 5th to 16th featuring all of YOUR Donkey creations in celebration of Donktober.  

SO...go on burro lovers, get your ass in gear and your hee haw on!

- rebecca lynne

Friday, October 12, 2012

Closer to the end of the rainbow! [TGIFF]

You may notice that those are MY bare toes under this quilt top... Yup freezing too I might add. Usually the Mr. does the job of quilt top display but Miss O was sleeping in his arms and having been particularly fussy all day we were not about to disturb her. So this resulted in my running outside, barefoot, while he took photos one handed. What a team.
It was mad windy. And, of course the top is upside down here. I never knew the responsibility that came with being the quilt top displayer! So I turned it over...
Although now I think it looks smart either way! I'm really happy with this and can't wait for the backing to arrive to finish finish it.
Any quilting suggestions?

- rebecca lynne

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Technical Difficulties: Thursday Think Tank

Thursday Think Tank
Sorry!  I had no internet all night that sucked.  Luckily I am back up and running!  Don't really have a TTT to post other than completely obsessed with house stuff at the moment.  Trying to figure out cheap ways to fix up a house.  Have any websites you can share with me to get DIY ideas??

- rebecca lynne

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

For the very first time... & Pattern Winner!

So I have to admit, and this admission may irk a few people, I did not get the whole Liberty of London fascination.   Everywhere I read about this amazing fabric...and I was kind of like "eh" it just didn't grab me.  Until I saw this Childhood Treasures in Mustard in the Pink Chalk Fabrics newsletter.  I was immediately drawn to the color, the cool butterfly flower peach print...and LOOK little elephants!  Ah!
Then when this fabric arrived, mind you I was still a bit skeptical, and then I felt it...  DAMN...NOW I get it!
I am taking the advice of so many of you who entered the Scarf Pattern Giveaway and I am going to create a beautiful scarf with this divine piece of fabric...I bet you can't guess what other pattern I am going to pair with it?  Any ideas?

While you ponder - the WINNER of the 3 in 1 Infinity Scarves Pattern Giveaway is....

Hueisei from Love it Sew it....... 
Congratulations Hueisei!  I trust you will tell me whether the pattern is clear or not.  I will be emailing you shortly!

- rebecca lynne

Monday, October 8, 2012

Phase One In Which Doris Gets Her Oats

The Pile has grown from this add these...
and is now finally grown to this...

- rebecca lynne
and I still have a handful more to do...

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Fabric Free Weekend

Ah, there's my Nina...gathering dust next to a growing stack of packed boxes.  And if sewing machines have feelings I bet she's unhappy...pissed I'm sure.  [Pissed as in angry, not drunk like I know you Brits sometimes say, or is shattered more common these days?]

It has been a fabric free weekend.  In fact, I have a stack of low volume swap packages sitting here waiting to be opened!  {Update: I opened these this evening and posted their owner's names in the Received List sorry for being such a slacker Swap Mama this week!}

However as my friend Erin can probably attest to - it is hard to get sewing done when you are packing to move to a new house!  Agh!

Instead of loving any fabric at all the Fam and I spent some time at Lowe's this weekend checking out carpet and paint swatches.  Carpet.   Ugh what a pain!  At least it is a textile right?

We found a carpet texture which is geometric in design kind of like a grid.  I am not a carpet person, I prefer wood floors, but the 2nd Floor in our new house is all carpet so I don't really have a choice.  I want something that will do the same job as wood - meaning - blend in with any type of furniture and wall color we choose.  So, I picked out an amber gold brown color which of course I can find no example of online.  Why carpet is so out of the technological age I guess we can chalk up to the fact that you really have to shop for it in person.  I had No Idea how many carpet options there exist.  Amazing.

I'll be back tomorrow with *stuff* done.  Getting Nina out tonight and doing some sewing.  I need to accomplish something!  Hope your weekend was more productive than mine, and if you are in the US, Happy Columbus Day!

- rebecca lynne

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Ugh. (Thursday Think Tank)

Spending my evening cursing at the television while watching the First Presidential Debate. Hope your Wednesday night was better spent!

Here is my question to you for the week... If you met a fabric store owner what would you ask them? What would you be dying to know? Discuss. ;)

Thursday Think Tank

Nice Ass, Donkey that is. {Softie Pattern Giveaway!}

Welcome Donktober 2012 Guests!  
I hope you are ready to handle a little MRL because I am psyched to be a first stop to help kick off the Donktober festivities!
When I begged to participate in Donktober 2012 I immediately jumped on the chance to create a Donkey Stuffed Animal.  [Some of you call this a "softie," others "plush," personally it is a stuffed animal to me. :p]  As the mother of three small children I pretty much knew this was going to be a win win no matter how what.

This is the mascot of the free softie pattern from Etsy's How Tuesday.  Now come on...let's be honest, this is one pert little donkey, a bit preppy (pink, polka dots, and gray?  yeah = preppy), a svelte athlete perhaps, but definitely perky.  Is that the smile of a smug over confident jock or just the good natured grin of a down to earth happy guy...well, you decide for yourself.

Personally I took one look at this guy and knew that wasn't happening.  Uh unh, no way, not in the MRL household.  My donkey was going to need a little something special to make it different from the other donkeys.  
So...I aimed for shabby chic and came up with Damien.
Need I mention that following the instructions exactly isn't quite my thing?
I made a few key changes to make Damien a bit rough around the edges, literally.  For the scruffy look I used osnaburg and left some exposed seams to create the fraying edges, for the eyes I layered them to achieve that shabby chic homemade look, and one of my favorite parts is the mane which I used the selvadge from the osnaburg to create.  I shifted his eye placement and positioned his ears down reminiscent of a Disney Donkey we all know so well.  These design choices combined with the osnaburg, Denyse Schmidt's Posie in Gray and Charcoal Kona fabric choices made one soulful brooding little donkey.
In case you were wondering, yes I leaned more towards the Grunge/Goth category in High School.  Hey it was the 90s!
I'd say that overall the pattern was pretty easy and very forgiving.  Once you cut out the template pieces you could really have creative license, it allowed me to play around and do my own thing.  The hardest part, in my opinion, was getting those skinny little leg pieces done correctly!  Otherwise it was smooth sailing.


Reuben the Donkey softie pattern by Ric Rac

Generously Donated to Donktober 2012 by Jodie Carleton.  Win this beautiful pattern right here!!!

Three Chances to Enter Giveaway
  1. The Blatantly Easy Entry: Softie, Plush, or Stuffed Animal - what do you call yours?
  2. The TUI [Total Useless Information] Entry: Tell me a Donkilicious Fact!
  3. The Entry Purely Meant for Ego Inflation Purposes Only: Follow me, Follow Erin, or Follow us Both and leave me a comment letting me know!
Giveaway will end Wednesday October 10, 2012

"Bye...have a Donktastic Day...if that's your thing anyway..."  
-- Damien Donkey

- rebecca lynne