Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Dead Simple Sewing & the MRL Studio

Wow, another Wednesday...and as my usual readers know I have been away so I have not much to show for it.  But, I am working on this and you can see a bit last night's progress on it here...

Dead Simple Quilt Along Sewn Strips
I made a slight cutting error but was excited to resolve it by adding some selvage on a few squares.  Heh heh, see no problems just creative opportunities!


In the meantime I thought I would cross some things off my To Do List.  One of which is to write a post about my studio space.  A few weeks ago Helen posted about her studio space and I, as usual when it comes to things Helen, drooled at the serenity and organization of her creative spot. Via email I told her I would also post about my per usual Rebecca Lynne style it has taken me a bit to get my act together.  Helen, slowly but surely I do complete my promises...

I am a clutter person.  I am not a hoarder, nor do I abide by filth (detergent/white vinegar + baking soda = my favorite formula)...but I definitely generate clutter.  Fascinating that someone so into Excel Spreadsheets, To Do Lists, and extremely anal Legal Files still ends up with piles of this or that everywhere...I think it is because I am a visual person and I like to see things to jog my memory or motivate me to work.  That is just how my brain works best!  A few years ago a New York Times Article spoke about the value of a cluttered office, how it is the sign of a flexible and creative mind.  As you can imagine I received the article multiple times from friends and family vindicating my clutter tendencies.  I couldn't find the article but I did find this book which talks about the benefits of mess.  Whatever your take on it, keep in mind You Don't Have to Live Here, I Do.  

Without further ado...
This is an overview of my studio from the doorway as it stood last night while I sewed my Dead Simple Quilt.  Yup, there is a lot of STUFF!

This is the corner directly across from my sewing machine.  I have a small design wall there where I keep some things up to inspire me.  The fabrics in the upper right are some of my absolute favorites and these are all the bits I have left of them...  The TV and DVDs are my usual distraction while sewing.  I have 4 versions of Pride & Prejudice and I basically watch it on a loop.  
plastic suitcases to hold beads and beading supplies, suitcases to hold old photos and scrapbooking materials
Right next to my sewing machine is an Asian inspired apron smock thingy that Lauren picked up for me.  I use it to hold my supplies.  Yes, this photo was taken before the wedding and you can see the veil in progress!  Um, notice the fabric hanging over my chair?  Usually whatever I am currently cutting or piecing lives here...I literally reach behind me and grab it to sew.  The beautiful white plastic bag?  My garbage.  Hahahhaaa...hey it works and saves space from having a garbage can under my feet.

You can see this peeking out from the corner in the photo above.  I found this printer's tray at an antique store nearby and started to use it to store spools of thread.  As per usual Rebecca Lynne style it was all beautiful and color I mostly stack the thread and matching spool I am using most that week on top.  I know at least one of you who is cringing at this lack of organization!


Here are a few views of my sewing table.  Ikea desk style.  My favorite piece of ironing equipment aside from my Rowenta is my small little blue ironing board.  I heart it so much!  It wobbles, is completely bent and annoying, and yet for $5 who can beat it?

          DSC_0126                 DSC_0128

This is a small  textile piece of mine mounted on canvas, it is a small study for a much larger 7 yard screen print I have upstairs in the house.  It is screen prints of 18th Century Dress Patterns.  I just like to remind myself of where I have come from and all that I have learned.


Lucy - remember the door in your Hot Mess photos of your sewing area?  Yeah, well here is mine.  This used to be a pile of crap with things stacked up top of each other in moving boxes...but I asked the Mr. if I could get shelves and am so relieved he agreed.  This was a Huge Step Forward in this room!  My Lush Cluster supplies are up top (mostly behind those photos of family) and moving down are WIPs, (see the ATS Block?), books I am currently reading, my knitting supplies, and fabric I am debating what to do with but want to see out in the hopes I will have an "aha" moment.


My small attempt at studio chalkboard WIP list.  This really has been stagnant as of late...I must get on it!


And of course what everyone is really interested in is Where Is the Fabric?  In these chalk labeled drawers and bins of course.   


On top of the shelves are my "to be quilted's" and Solid Fabrics.  Inside the shelves is my own unique way of organizing...sometimes by color, sometimes by project, sometimes by collection...


The Japanese Fabric is taking over as of late and are all living on top of these bins right now. Like everything it has its moment in the spotlight right now, and when it is over I will place it in a bin, label it, and another fabric of the moment will take over the lids of the bins!


Large library of Art Books on Left; Books I am currently obsessing over on Right

                            DSC_0136          DSC_0139

And none of this would be complete without showing you Ms. V's toys.  She does occasionally come visit for very very very short periods of time.  Basically, she can stay as long as she forgets about the spools of thread but once she heads for that printing is all over!


So what keeps me from going crazy with all this stimulation going on in this room?  This.


A blank design wall waiting for my latest crazy inspiration!

Linking up to WIP Wednesday.  Don't forget to check out all the amazingness in case you don't already...

- rebecca lynne


Marlene @ KISSed Quilts . com said...

Nice to have two design walls!!

Rebecca Lynne said...

Yes it is. Thanks Marlene!

Heather D. said...

Wow, such an awesome work space!! I'm envious!

Sandra Kaye said...

Cool place to work Rebecca!! It's nice to have a place just to create in right? I love my space too. I'm grateful to have a patient husband :) Hugs

Kristen, pajama mama said...

love the printers tray! perfect whimsy for your crafting space.

Live a Colorful Life said...

This just made me chuckle. I always tell my friends/family that I LOVE to organize and am constantly organizing/purging/simplifying, etc. Well, you get the picture. Yet, when anyone comes into my office or sewing room, I know they are thinking: She loves organization?? Um, not so much...

Erin @ Billy Button Design said...

Rebecca I am so jealous of your sewing room with your design area, and the storage (love the labeling) and even more jealous that you have 4 versions of Pride and Predg. I only have 2.....

Kelli Fannin Quilts said...

Love your studio! This inspires me to get back to painting the rest of our spare room so I can get my sewing stuff out of the dining room. I think the selvage will add some unexpected charm to dead simple.:o)

Archie The Wonder Dog said...

Love your studio and I LOVED this post - I chuckled all the way through it!!! Guess it would come as no surprise that I mainly organise my threads by colour and that it pains me when a reel won't fit in the section where it belongs and I have to squeeze it somewhere else!! Your studio is so full of inspiration - I could spend hours looking at the photos - and it looks like a wonderfully creative space. Which version of P&P is your favourite? Mine is the BBC version with Jennifer Ehle - can't beat it!

Catherine said...

what a great working space, I am very jealous

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

ok..I now want more

you have a great sewing space there

Lucy | Charm About You said...

Oh I so LOVE being nosy and getting to see your studio!! It looks amazing, all wonderful clutter! I love what you (or your great husband!) did with your door ;)
I like the labelled fabric trays too, I would love that!

Annabella said...

How great to see your room Becca - I love it and am deeply envious. I have a room but it hasn`t been `done` yet. I shall share when it is. Thanks for sharing and love your selvage genius!

Pam @Threading My Way said...

Now that's a room that's full of inspiration and creativity. Especially love the printer's tray and the blackboard.

Katie said...

I'm so envious of all the space you have! I just have a corner in a very tiny room and some storage space in the basement. You're the same as I am as far as space. I always have to have the things I'm working on surrounding me. It's organized (to me) and the only way I know what I have going on.

I spy more books to look in to. Any other recommendations?

Kate S. said...

It's fun to see your sewing space! Jealous of your design walls :)

Hitch and Thread said...

Thanks for sharing, love the printers tray. I'm still giggling over my vision of you pulling your fabric from over your shoulder as you're sewing! You've reminded me that I must post pics of my space too.

Collette said...

what a cool sewing space!! I love your drawers with the little chalk board notices so easy to change !! excellent to have such a large space dedicated to sewing. I have a corner !!! x