Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Download Kona Solids Palette Layout Tutorial

Flora Palette for Dead Simple QAL

The link will redirect you to a Google Docs where you may Print or Download & Save the tutorial.
Simply click on File > Download as > PDF (or whatever format you'd prefer...).


Sarah PingsAndNeedles said...

brilliant tute Rebecca ... straightforward, easy to do, and bloomin addictive!

Archie The Wonder Dog said...

Great idea to make it downloadable - I'm bookmarking it for future reference, there's a quilt lurking at the back of my brain but it's not allowed to come out yet!! (Too many other projects to start!)

Kelli Fannin Quilts said...

I love the tutorial too! Thanks for making it downloadable. I have too many other things going to start a new project right now, but I will come back and check this method out when I feel better! Still recovering. bleh.

Toni said...

I only had a chance to skim over this right now, but it looks completely dangerous!! Addiction for sure, lady! Can't wait to try this later. Thanks!